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Cranbourne, Doveton, and Hampton Park libraries have meeting rooms that can be hired for meetings, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and community consultation.
Meeting Rooms can be hired for a minimum of one hour and in ½ hour blocks thereafter. (Note: booking time includes set up and pack up)
Bunjil Place Library meeting rooms must be booked through the City of Casey.
All meeting rooms have tables and chairs available for use but it is the responsibility of the hirer to set up the room.
Click on each library to view the facilities and equipment available, or contact the branch for more information
Hours: Within current opening hours
Max capacity: 50
Chairs: 50
Kitchen Equipment: Crockery, cutlery and glasses, bar fridge
Tea & Coffee making facilities: Yes, BYO tea, coffee, sugar & milk
Tables: Yes
Lectern: Yes
Whiteboard: Yes
Data Projector & screen: Yes
Hours: Within current opening hours
Max capacity: 15
Chairs: 15
Kitchen Equipment: No
Tea & Coffee making facilities: No
Tables: 4 trestles
Lectern: No
Whiteboard: No
Data Projector & screen: Yes
Hours: Within current opening hours
Max capacity: 20
Chairs: 20
Kitchen Equipment: No
Tea & Coffee making facilities: No
Tables: 5 large trestles
Lectern: No
Whiteboard: Yes
Data Projector & screen: Yes
Find out more about costs and payment and view the booking conditions and hirer conditions of use:
General rate – $30.00 per hour
Individuals, businesses, government and profit-making organisations with a capacity to pay or who receive a fee for use of the facility.
Community rate – $15.00 per hour
Not for profit organisations include those in receipt of state or federal operational funding and/or registered on the Australian Business Register with limited capacity to pay. Examples include non-government organisations (eg: Anglicare, Windermere) and agencies receiving government funding to deliver services.
Volunteer, not for profit groups and organisations based in the City of Casey and Cardinia Shire that make a community contribution through their activities.
Community groups located in the City of Casey and Cardinia Shire such as playgroups for local families; Service Clubs and organised groups operating within the region such as Lions, Rotary, Seniors groups, Chambers of Commerce and traders associations; Arts and cultural activity; Social groups.
Creative rate – $15.00 per hour
Artists who are running workshops for members of the community, for example theatre groups, painting classes, that are not for profit.
Payment to be made within one week of making the booking. Non-payment of fees will result in booking cancellation.
Hirers requiring a tax invoice prior to payment should allow sufficient time for preparation of the invoice.
Payment is accepted by cheque, cash, EFTPOS or direct deposit. Cheques are to be made payable to ‘Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation’ and accompanied by a copy of the Hirer’s driver’s licence.
Regular bookings may be placed up to six months in advance; renewed applications must be lodged no later than four weeks prior to the end of the existing booking.
Acceptance is at the discretion of staff as the Library is required to balance community use, regular bookings and library requirements of the meeting rooms.
Library staff will confirm booking/s as soon as possible. Staff will try to comply with requests; however, there are no guarantees to the availability of rooms. The Library accepts no responsibility for loss of availability should the Hirer neglect to lodge an application.
Cancellation of bookings should be made at least one week prior to the date booked. Failure to comply will result in the room-hire charge remaining payable.
Hirers should retain a copy of their booking confirmation and present this at each time of use and when collecting keys for after-hours use.
Connected Libraries “Friends of the Library” may use the rooms free of charge, subject to availability.
Connected Libraries reserves the right to make the rooms available free of charge to the City of Casey subject to bookings being made by the appropriate Council officer.
Meeting rooms are not for hire for private parties or celebrations (except for Council and Library functions).
This booking policy is subject to change without notice.
The Hirer will be responsible and pay for:
To book, fill out the form below and you will be contacted (please allow two business days for a response). If your enquiry is urgent please contact the relevant library by phone.
Please note all libraries will be closed from Friday 18 April – Monday 21 April (inclusive) for the Easter long weekend and will also be closed Friday 25 April for ANZAC Day.