Connected Libraries Wi-Fi connection cannot be used to:
Pursue any illegal, unauthorised or dangerous purpose, including unsolicited commercial email or breaching copyrights
Interfere with the network or disrupt any service, equipment or other user
Connect to any unauthorised hardware or software
View materials which other users may find offensive, including: Pornographic or sexually inappropriate material, racist or hate based sites, sites promoting or supporting violence or other anti-social activities.
Any breach of these conditions whilst using the library’s Wi-Fi connection will result in disconnection and removal from the library premises.
Please be aware:
The Wi-Fi connection is not secure, so should not be used to transmit sensitive or personal information, including banking details or passwords
Devices using Wi-Fi should have up-to-date virus protection
Library staff cannot provide technical assistance in configuring a device
There is no guarantee a device will work with the network
Public Internet and Speciality Computers: Conditions of Use
Connected Libraries provides free public access to the Internet, selected Microsoft Office products, and genealogy resources during opening hours at our branches.
Bookings to use the PCs are required and can be made by telephone or in person up to three days in advance.
Sessions are for up to one hour. Extensions of time may be offered, if the PC is not booked by another user.
Staff can provide you with some basic guidance but time constraints mean that they are not able to teach you how to use these resources.
These terms and conditions apply to your use of computer equipment supplied by Casey Cardinia Library Corporation of 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne, 3977.
Members must have their own current library card in order to use a PC.
Material displayed on the screen must be appropriate for a public access site.
Users wishing to save data may use their own USB drive. You can purchase a USB drive from the library.
No liability is accepted for any loss or damage caused by the use of the workstation or by the transmission of computer viruses.
Users wishing to print must pay the current charge per page.
No more than 2 people at a time are to use a workstation.
Parents/guardians are responsible for use of workstations by people under the age of 18. Permission can be given for ongoing use of the library’s PCs or per booking.
Users are not to adjust, change or tamper with settings on the workstations or printers.
You Shall Not:
Use the computer equipment for any illegal, unauthorized or dangerous purpose, including, without limitation, unsolicited commercial e-mail;
Copy or publish any information for which you are not the intellectual property owner or are authorized to publish or is defamatory;
Interfere with the network or disrupt any other user, service or equipment;
Use or connect to any unauthorized software or hardware;
Use the computer equipment to view pornographic or other materials which other users may find offensive.
Please note all libraries will be closed from Friday 18 April – Monday 21 April (inclusive) for the Easter long weekend and will also be closed Friday 25 April for ANZAC Day.